Tau – The Greek Letter of Rebirth and More

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has been used for thousands of years in many ways.
Here are some of them.

As resurrection symbol
In ancient times, Tau was used as a symbol for resurrection.
As such, it is deeply connected to the archetype of the Phoenix, the bird that rises from the ashes.

Its origin is the Phoenician alphabet.

One commonality of all experiences of Tau is that they are transformative, as is resurrection.

As mathematical function
In mathematics the Tau symbol represents 2Pi or 6.28.

As a point in time:
The date of the start of the Stonewall riots on 6/28/1969 with trans women of colour at the front.

Our co-op went through its own rebirth experience in 2022, when Rainbow Health was retired from service and replaced with two new co-ops that work together.

OCHI Co-op is a Canadian Charity for community elders who are committed to growing wellness in the communities we share.

Tau Wellness Co-op is our worker’s wellness co-op that is a new model for the delivery of all healthcare and wellness services.
More on each at the links above.

To the Tau, Tau represents the benefit of change and how to change in a beneficial way.



Get in Touch

Please get in touch any time - we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Call us: 888 241-2992

Find us on facebook: @taucooperative

Where to find us


Tau Wellness Centre
2998 Manzer Rd
Sooke, BC V9Z0C9

Get Directions

Co-Op Hours

Sunday, 9am - 1pm - hypnotherapy appointments
Monday, 9am - 5pm - hypnotherapy appointments
Monday, 7 - 8:30pm - training and tutoring
Tuesday - closed
 - closed
Thursday - closed
Friday - by appointment

2nd Saturdays, noon - 5pm - 3 Mothers Medicine Camps
3rd Saturdays, 10am - 5pm - workshops

Logo: International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy association
Logo: International Association of Counselors & Therapists
Logo: Health Care Co-Operatives Federation of Canada
Logo: Hypno Birthing International, The Mongan Method