The Soothing Voice of the Elder

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One of the things I appreciate about training I have received in Reiki from my Twan Shihan, Rebecca Hay and my Jikiden Shihan Mari Okazaki, is that while there are differences between the two traditions, the same three elements are the core of each.

First, they both focus on the simplicity of traditional Reiki.
Second, that Reiki works best amongst families and friends.
Third, that the most important recipient of Reiki is yourself.

The legend of Usui coming down the mountain tells of him immediately grasping his own toe, quickly putting his hands on the toothache of the woman. He didn’t sit and meditate for 20 minutes first. Reiki is first and foremost a physical treatment, more like first aid than a counselling session. Tau calls this Responsive Reiki.

However, soon he realized that this simplicity, while healing in the moment, more was needed for the healing to continue.
And so, he gave us the Gokai for ourselves and Se Hei Ki for us to help others.

Koki Ho, the healing breath is one of our most important techniques in Responsive Reiki.
Many of us have blown on a child’s finger to continue the soothing after kissing the owie!
Can we combine the energy of Koki Ho with our words so that when we say them, they too channel healing energies?

A moment’s reflection tells us that of course this is true.
Most of us have been comforted in a moment of need by a friend’s kind words.

So how do we make this happen?

  1. Forming Intention
  2. Preparing ourselves
  3. Trusting the unconscious
  4. Always – practice, practice, practice

As community elders we have a unique ability to bring a moment of comfort with our words to the children, the youth, and most importantly to the adults in the communities we share. Sometimes people hear better when someone from elsewhere says them. Consider inviting an elder from another community to share a few words with yours.

In Tau training we integrate three separate techniques into a common skillset that improves all forms of healing.
Our experience is that each makes the other better.  Counselling helps us understand the why of soothing words, hypnosis the technique of shaping soothing words, and Reiki the ability to infuse soothing words with the energy of soothing itself.

There is a great need for kind words today.
Make each and everyone of yours grow as much good as it can.

Sending you the energy of eloquence in all your words of comfort,
I remain in service to all.





Get in Touch

Please get in touch any time - we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Call us: 888 241-2992

Find us on facebook: @taucooperative

Where to find us


Tau Wellness Centre
2998 Manzer Rd
Sooke, BC V9Z0C9

Get Directions

Co-Op Hours

Sunday, 9am - 1pm - hypnotherapy appointments
Monday, 9am - 5pm - hypnotherapy appointments
Monday, 7 - 8:30pm - training and tutoring
Tuesday - closed
 - closed
Thursday - closed
Friday - by appointment

2nd Saturdays, noon - 5pm - 3 Mothers Medicine Camps
3rd Saturdays, 10am - 5pm - workshops

Logo: International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy association
Logo: International Association of Counselors & Therapists
Logo: Health Care Co-Operatives Federation of Canada
Logo: Hypno Birthing International, The Mongan Method