MindGames25 Day by Day
At the start of the great cycle, we find the card for the Fool.
The journey, whatever it might be, wherever it might lead
Must start with that first step
Which we often take whether or not
we are aware that we have.
Before Day One - Your Free Consultation
Are MindGames25 right for you?
Masters and Houston, the designers of the games included a special acknowledgement of Dr. Milton Erickson, who taught that trance work is not a cure for anything, rather it creates the moment when we learn how to heal ourselves. A moment that opens our eyes to a new vista we could not imagine before.
MindGames25 is not for everyone, and while the intention is to not limit access for anyone, there are some things we need to know about each other before either of us decides to continue.
MindGames25 also works best if we ‘get into the groove’ ahead of time. As part of our initial consultation I will share a couple of quick MindGames that will definitely make tomorrow a better day for you and prime you for a life-changing experience when you play MindGames25.
"In our contemporary culture, especially in the West, there are very few natural ways of belonging that help to reassure us of what you might call our ‘basic goodness’, our feeling connected and a part of something larger. And, that exacerbates the sense of I’m afraid, I’m wrong, I’m bad, I’m not okay, I’m deficient." — Tara Brach
Step Forward
Boundaries and Relationships of Mutual Respect
Like the Dwarves in the Hobbit, our journey together by forming our ‘Company’ for this sojorn. We do a pre-flight safety check and review our group agreement.Â
Then we lace up our skates by taking that first turn around the rink by dipping our toes into the Ocean of Unified Consciousness.
And Then the Games Begin
After the Intro Evening, the Games begin ‘SPOT ON’Â at 11:00 am each day. Like a theatre, patrons who are late wait until the right moment to join the circle.
There are 68 games total and my intention is to follow the original MindGames program faithfully, with some adjustment for the 21st century. Master and Houston are adamant of the importance of doing all of the Games and doing them in order, and this is what we do.
The MindGames book contains four main chapters, each with its own arc, building to the concluding integration.
Each day varies in length as each contains a different set of Games and each has its own timing. There is a half-hour break at some point each day and plenty of stretching. Overall, deeper trance work takes time, and most of that time sitting. The Nest is set up so you are comfortable and relaxed, but not so relaxed as to fall asleep. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing capable of keeping you warm as some sessions are outside.
See below for the names of all the sessions which provides a sense of how each day flows
Intro Evening
MindGames25 are played on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, but all begin with a evening session that gives everyone a chance to connect and get started in a relaxed way. This Intro Evening lays the groundwork so participants can re-enter and deepen their trance experience quickly each session to allow more time to visit all of the amazing internal worlds we all have in us. Each title in the list below represents a separate exercise. The majority of these are with the entire group but sprinkled throughout are partner sessions that are done with one other person. Here is the list.
The Touch of Music
All Senses Music
Body Morph One
Shapeshifting I – Be a Cat
First Energy work – the Stones
Session One
Greeting our Body Parts
Talking to the Plant World
Your personal Path In Time
You are the Mirror of Me – Partnerwork I
Symbols of the Common Mind I
Session Two
The Oracle of the Common Mind I
Learning to Control Time I
Fully Connected Senses
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
You are the Mirror of Me II – Partnerwork II
Rite of Liberation I
Your Circle of Life I
Symbols of the Common Mind II
Session Three
Passports to the Dream World
Gazing Into The Crystal Ball
Trance in a Natural Setting II
Multiverse Anthropology II
Your Personal Path In Time – Past Life
Universal Translator for Angels I
Deep Trance Identification I
Session Four
Seasons of the Internal Self
Setting a Solid Anchor
Shapeshifting II
Demons and Dragons
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Take off Your Blinders
The Rapture of Music
The Oracle of the Common Mind II
Symbols of the Common Mind III
Your Circle of Life II
Session Five
Deep Sleep Healing
The Oracle of the Common Mind IV
Partner Work III
Meeting Your Animal Guides and Others
Your Personal Path In Time III
Remote Viewing in the Multiverse
Session Six
Celebrate Your Ideal Self
The Oracle of the Common Mind V
Partner Work IV
Multiverse Anthropology II
A Chat with the Grim Reaper
Symbols of the Common Mind IV
Personal Work – 24 hrs of Trance
Session Seven
Trance in a Natural Setting II
Shape Shifting III
Deep Trance Identification II
Gazing Into The Crystal Ball II
Glimpses of Nirvana
Sounds of Nirvana
Words of Nirvana
Partner Work V
Activating Your Kundalini
Session Eight
Solitary Retreat
Final Session
Trance in a Natural Setting II
Learning to Control Time III
Freeing the Group Spirit
Symbols of the Common Mind V
Partner Work VI
Universal Translator for Angels II
Integration Session One
Integration Session Two
Your Circle of Life Final
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