Tau Mind Games

In 1966, after 15 years of research, two professors from the eastside of Turtle Island, published “The Varieties of Psychedelic Experience.” Within the year, LSD and similar drugs were classified as illegal and all research stopped. The two professors, Robert Masters and Jean Houston, then spent the next five years researching how to recreate these moments of deep personal insight and transformation without the use of any substances. The result was a book published in 1972, “Mind Games, The Guide to Inner Space. 

Tau Mind Games 2025

Milton Erickson

Another name that interweaves throughout the 60’s and 70’s is Milton Erickson. Mind Games includes a special acknowledgment to Dr. Erickson in the intro.

For some hypnotherapists, such as myself, the history of hypnosis can be divided into Before Erickson and After Erickson. Dr. Erickson transformed our understanding of hypnosis as did Carl Roger transform our understanding of Counseling.

Dr. Erickson had a number of students who went on to deeply affect the overall art and science of counseling, including Stephen Gilligan, author of “Therapeutic Trances“.

“You use hypnosis not as a cure but as a means of establishing a favorable climate in which to learn.” ― Milton Erickson

MindGames 25

Einstein Said....

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Given that Erickson transformed our understanding of hypnosis, using ‘classical’ training in hypnosis will never yield the benefit of Erickson’s insights. 

Decolonizing Hypnosis

Pre-Erickson psychoanalysts tend in the main to view the structure of our inner selves along the lines of Victorian values of struggle, man against nature, Freud’s subconscious a place of dark repressed desires, invidual rights vs the common interest. Classical hypnosis training mirrors this ethos and is thought as something the practitioner is doing to the client. Erickson replaces this with an unconscious that is the fount of infinite resource that is the birthright of every person accessed through a process that is something the practitioner and the client do together. 

Deep Trance Experience as Alternate Training Format

Strengthening the connection between the conscious mind with all the different parts of the unconscious mind in any person improves their ability to learn, in this case the practice of hypnosis. Shared group trance can be much deeper than personal trance, and creating multiple opportunities for students of hypnosis to experience deep trance states creates the foundation of ongoing, self-directed, learning that will in time produces the best trained practitioners possible.  MindGames25 uses the original Mind Games roadmap to chart our collective way through this incredible inner universe.

Deep Trance Takes Time

People who have an understanding of today’s hypnosis practices are aware that ones like Michael Newton’s – Life Between Lives, which includes past-life regression, involve longer sessions with participants and practitioners who spend more time preparing than in hypnosis for behavioural change (smoking cessation).

MindGames25 includes enough time to ensure participants gain best experience and benefit, with an eye on the reality of people lives that are busier and more complicated than the ones we lived in the 1960’s.